Take Your Next Career Step! Visit our employment opening page to view all our openings and to apply for your next job!
Anti-Bullying Information Visit our Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Website for all our HIB related information.
Cheetah Toss We are all in this together! The staff at Chairville Elementary School wants you to know that we miss our students! Please stay safe, healthy, and enjoy the show. Click on the link and see the message from the Chairville staff.
Chairville Chatter Keep up on what's happening at Chairville. Here you can see some of the highlights of what's going on at Chairville.
Subscribe to Calendars One of the new features of our website is the ability to subscribe to calendars!
Spelling Bee Rescheduled The Fifth Grade Spelling Bee scheduled for tonight has been postponed until next Tuesday, January 28. 2025.
New Student Registration Deadline In order for new students to begin on the first day of school, Thursday, September 5, 2024, student registration must be completed by Tuesday, August 27, 2024.